Monday, May 31, 2004

Debate. Ah. Gotta love the loads of trees we kill each year...

Sorry, short post. I'm alive... debate workshop this week. :) I'll try to do work this time... as I did today. I unwittingly was sent to do some research, along with Joy. :) Hopefully I found stuff, but as I look once again at my measly stack of papers, I'm thinking I did this wrong. ;)

Hope everyone's having a good summer.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Pray for Ms. Chase -- I've heard she got into a car accident yesterday, and I don't know what her whereabouts are ... :( I hope she is all right. She apparently never made it to school, and she didn't show today...

I have one more exam left tomorrow --Spanish I-- and after that, I'm through with sophomore year. A little unsettling... soon, we'll be chartering new "seas" as we start off the last half of our high school career with junior year.

Oh boy, maybe I've been playing SKIES OF ARCADIA for way too long. I've been addicted to the game (the Gamecube version) lately because I love RPGs and once I start, I never stop... :) I am amazed at the storyline--it's pretty good--the characters are well-rounded and funny, choices are to be made, the graphics are notable (in my humble opinion), the music's not bad, and there are funny sound bites. For me, that's video game bliss :] One fault I do find of it: the frequent "minor" battles (ugh...they get repetitive and they can take awhile) but other than that, I'm hooked. ^_^

Side note: Why are most "anime" guys drawn so beautifully? I've met few guys in the real world that look like that... so feminine yet so hot :)

Maybe I do need to cut back on carbs. You guys might think I'm crazy, but I'm still not totally happy with myself (maybe it's a girl thing) ... No, I wouldn't resort to the Atkins -- it's torture!! I heart bread -- but I seriously need to limit my carbs because it seems like that's all I eat. I never have food in the house (fruits, meat?) so I usually resort to bread or tv dinners or pasta, the like... not good! :( Carbs aren't BAD, they just have more calories, and more/excess calores = fat ... the last thing I need...

Saturday, May 15, 2004

[personal entry ahead so feel free to skip some parts if you're like "...what?"]

Each year in May, as the school year wraps up (last day of school is on Friday; Tuesday for the lucky seniors), I often have this question:

"What have I been doing for the past 10 months?"

Seriously, the year always goes by in the blink of an eye, yet one week, one day, or even one hour feels like months and months at a time. Time is relative, but I still cannot fathom that simple fact. We have 180 days to live out yet another school year, and hopefully each year something great is accomplished, yet I often cannot recall but a fraction of those 180 days. This is probably one of the reasons why I keep a journal: to remind me what in the world I've been up to as a silly, sentimental, emotionally unstable, weird 16-year-old living her life.


Academically, I've been doing really well (apparently I was bumped up to number 2 by rank but that's probably changed by now), and the classes weren't too bad with the exception of Honors Chemistry (I have a 96/97 but man, there were some hard tests). This will be my last slack year before Junior year next year... ack. :)

Band was fun, too -- piccolo for marching band (Stars and Stripes!), playing 1st part in class, listening to out of tune flutes back there, but of course some high points and some low points -- I got 2nd at District because my flute was broken, and I was angry because the girl who got 1st wasn't that great; once again I screwed up my All-State audition that I got down close to perfect the weeks before, and I played it like I was sightreading it -- but don't worry about it, I complain too much. Festival -- All I's, so that was really pleasing. I picked up tenor saxophone and hopefully I'll be able to stick with it.

Debate was a memorable experience with the meeting of so many awesome people and the fun times Joy and I had with evidence and whatnot. We kicked butt most of the time at tournaments -- Westminster 2nd, Brookwood, semi-finals or something, but we left; JV at Carrollton...HARD but we managed to get to Octos? :D -- I got to room with Jane and Amanda, and Joy and I ran around the hotels at 2am... I met Kevin (who became my sponsor for NHS inductino? ;D), learned about the twisted Michel Foucault, and had fun hyperventilating in rounds. Well, I'll stop writing because you probably have no idea what i'm talking about :) Next year: VARSITY ... we'll get our butts kicked (well, okay, Joy will be okay with it probably:P but I'll be like "uh...")

PROM -- Yun and I went to LHS prom; we had an enjoyable time. =) I blogged about it earlier, so no need to repeat myself.

MISC. -- I participated in Toastmasters and I even got to be President to speak at the dinner -- hopefully, I won't tremor and stutter that much for public speaking and debate. I'll be co-treasurer for Beta Club next year... some more stuff, but I can't recall it...

I grew closer to God this year -- attended a Bible study during Lent, played flute for a church this year during Lent, but in the process I listened to the pastor's messages, and they were pretty awe-inspiring. I even gave up baked goods for Lent :D I read the Bible a lot more, I prayed a lot more, I pray a lot for my friends and loved ones. I finished the Left Behind series (yeah!). A lot to do in my spiritual walk, a lot of unanswered questsions (that I will try to find this summer or this year) but I'm progressing...

I got to know a lot of people this year via strange circumstances (some of them) -- Sohaib at math tournament (that's funny...); Yun in someone's chatroom (finally I see him in the library) ... see what I mean? :] This year, I developed or strengthened close friendships, but I also grew extremely distant this year. I'm not surprised if people hate me. Do I find comfort in solitude? Yes, I do. Maybe this year is my off-year to "take a break" from it all. Last year, I hung out with groups all the time -- but I never got that much time to myself...

It'll change...

There's a lot more I would love to blog about, both good, bad, and inbetween, but a lot of the stuff only my journal (or my crazy mind) would hear... Okay, yes, 2003-2004 wasn't bad, but I feel a little empty, unsatisfied, and no closure despite all my happiness. Antithetical, right? ~_~

And so ends my harangue.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Mood: Content. :)

If anyone still wants to see prom pictures from 5/01/04, click HERE, hosted on Yahoo... ^_^ Some of you asked to see them, and here's the link.

Today, I've had the BEST DAY EVER IN MY HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE CAREER... well, not really, but it came pretty close. Any days where Dani's in tears because of laughter is a good day. First period, we didn't do anything, so we sat around Spanish class and signed some yearbooks. ^_^ Second period, our teacher had testing, so we hung out in someone's room -- got more of my friends (and fellow acquaintances) to sign my yearbook...

Third period *my high point of the day*, I had a BLAST laughing my head off to the verge of crying :) My friend, Melissa, wore a shirt that said PUNKY MONKEY and my teacher was babbling about something... he then randomly calls out "PUNKY MONKEY!!!!" And of course, everyone is thinking "...what the..." :) while I was over here dying... Jennifer noticed, and she couldn't help but laugh. And of course, he was also "on a roll" with his lesson plans and he kept on saying..."DON'T TURN ME OFF! DON'T TURN ME OFF!" ... in addition to, "SHE NEVER TURNS ME OFF" ... wow, innuendo. :) Heh, of course we were all snickering.

Anyway, when the bell rang at 2:50, we were out of there. I was walking with Padma, and she said, "Oh hey, that kid in the grey shirt used to be in band..." I thought it was some random guy, then I looked and realized it was this guy I met at the Chinese picnic a week or two ago...


I thought I would never see him again (unplanned like at school, anyway) ... I was really jubilant :D He was all surprised, too. :) I talked a little with him, yeah, I walked into the Beta Club meeting like ":DDDDDDD" with my friend Dina saying, "...You look different!" Hahah. I'm such a dork. Loser. Nerd. Geek. Yeah, that is I. ;D

In the afternoon, Dina, Ning-Fei, and I were looking through old school yearbooks, and we were pointing out guys (well, I was, to show Ning/Dina whom I was talking about) ... and COACH HILL (this macho coach at our school...but funny!) walked out of the room behind us saying, "Who are you girls looking for? I heard you girls talking about GUYS..." We were rolling on the floor laughing!


Well, off to a concert.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Ah, I gotta blog about my awesome weekend: PROM was the biggie :-D [edit] CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES [/edit]

Saturday morning, I actually didn't take the time to go get well-deserved beauty sleep or go and primp myself all pretty. No way, I went to the Chinese picnic... I love Chinese picnics, so I decided to go, DESPITE the fact it was pretty grey all day and a little rainy :/ None of the girls went except for Jennifer (love you, girl!! dancing, oh yeah...) and some of the guys went, too. :D I met this white guy named Jason who goes to GATECH (ROFL his family actually joined the CHINESE Association... that's so great... that's so great), he was really really nice (sigh, college boys... :D) ... James came back to visit. Anyway, did some volleyball (ow, hurt my fingers), a lot of chilling... I left feeling sad I had to leave so early for prom :( I don't need that much time to get ready, I'm very low-maintenance ;D

I got home, showered, dressed, put on a little makeup... took an hour at most, not sure. The boys (my date was Yun) came around 5pm or so in the small limo :) pictures, flowers... we were off to Tbonz (whose bright idea was it to eat dinner at a steakhouse? :P) with a big group. I met Lindsay's cool date, Kevin G... Evans boys, whoo. We talked, laughed, took pictures (gah! I HATE LOOKING AT MYSELF IN PICTURES :/) ... I ATE CHICKEN (muahahaha, Brian, can't stop me now)

We went off to ... no, not prom just yet, but RIVERWALK. See, we live next to a river, so the setting's really pretty. :D Took pictures there... I'm surprised the mosquitoes didn't come and get me. We arrived to prom around 8:30pm. Stepping out of the limo, w00t w00t... First people I saw were Kevin (ah! I love him! :D what a sweet guy!) and Austin ...

We got caricatures done :) CLICK TO SEE rofl, I look Caucasian ^_^ ... it was cute. To make an already long story short, we danced a lot, I took pictures, ran around, hung out... yeah lots of fun. I was too tired to go to Blake's house, so I guess I missed out. Darn. :( Well, a big THANK YOU to my date, Yun, for taking me this year. :D And Johnny for driving me back...

Hope everyone had fun this year. :D Woot, all four years of high school for me (even if I can't find anyone next year or the year after that, I'll still go) ... that'll be fun.