Friday, October 29, 2004

Today, I took a day off from school to see Dr. Lin... I've been having problems with my lower back (my parents suspected kidney problems :/), and the last trip to the doctor didn't cure it all the way, so this morning, I went yet again... Dr. Lin is a really nice man :) After doing the usual diagnosis, I even got some acupuncture in ^_^ This was my first time ever, and I always imagined tons of scary pins and needles... but in reality, it wasn't that bad. Just some points of pressure and some pricklyness. I believe getting shots are worse :P I don't know if the acupuncture helped, though... I don't know the science behind it, but hey, if it's been used for thousands of years...

I just read Danielle Steel's book The Promise because Betsy lent it to me... :) I wrote a review on it in Amazon, if you care to read... not one of my better reviews because I'm kind of sick and tired, but it will do, hopefully. One thing, though... I really hope all of her books aren't like that... somewhat bland, flat, predictable... hopefully not to the predicability of Nicholas Sparks =\ Now wouldn't that be a shame...

Well, this week has been HOMECOMING WEEK, and of course, all the days have something funky to it... Tuesday, I dressed up as twins with Ning-Fei and Dina (JAPANESE SCHOOL GIRL OUTFITS + HAIR ...), Thursday, I dressed like a tomboy with my dad's shirt and my cap... whoohoo, "sexy!" I got lots of compliments, which was nice... EDIT: HERE ARE SOME PICTURES... Click on them to view the full size...

Twin Day. I dressed up like Ning-Fei and Dina. We looked like Japanese school girls...

Katherine and me... as boys?
Katherine and me as guys... :D

Why do I have such a bad phobia of phones? Whenever I am seized by the urge to call ________, I shrink away from fear and I never end up dialing _________, letting what could possibly be a golden opportunity of friendship to pass yet again. Even with girl friends, I can't bring myself to call... what's wrong with me? Am I just not concise with speaking or communicating my thoughts? Perhaps it's because I'm too afraid something will slip out that shouldn't... Oftentimes, I ramble, and sometimes, those thoughts aren't what I want people to hear, no matter how close I am with them.

Sorry so short, this entry is mainly just to let you faithful know that I'm still alive. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

guess what... my wireless keyboard has died... i'm assuming it's the batteries, so i'm using my regular keyboard on the laptop... and it sucks. i don't have the shift key, enter, or backspace to use... so if i mess up, please forgive me. i have to manually right click and do delete or make it a space... so it's really annoying and aggravating. i'll have to fix my keyboard later... oh wait, since i don't have the enter key, i can't make paragraphs nor use html... oops... well, anyway, i'm just letting you know about my predicament. i'll blog a proper entry later. insert smiley face here...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I woke up at 2p.m. today. Yeah, I'm not sleeping at 2am anymore just for the heck of it :) I was engaged in interesting IM conversations last night, and unfortunately, that preceded sleep (right Kevin? Ahaha) ... I suppose it was one of those once-every-now-and-then moments.

Anyway, this past week, I've been spending my days in Atlanta (whooohooo) ... all we did was shop, haha. We whizzed through three malls (THREE!), and that was probably equivalent to 10+ miles of walking, hahaha... I bought some gifts, pants from Gap ($10), and a shirt from Aero ($6) ... yeah, I'm cheap. I usually don't buy clothing over $10 ... I can show you how to get a wardrobe for less than $50, I'm sure ;)

As I toured though all the stores (there's many to choose from in Atlanta), a lot of the stores had their Christmas display already up. Geez, October isn't even over yet... and did we forget about Thanksgiving? I guess on the whole, Christmas outweighs a lot of holidays... well, I like Christmas, but what a way to inundate (hey I like that word) the shelves with red, green, and white... :) They're just after our pocketbooks, that's all. But I still can't wait for Christmas because then this emotionally aggravating ride of a first semester junior year will be OVER, and we'll have time to warm up by the fire, spending quality time with friends and family. :)

I was talking with my good friend Mike last night, and of course, we were reflecting over the past (I seem to do that a lot with him) ... I cannot believe how much stuff happens in one year because I didn't realize that until I was talking with him. My freshman prom? That was a little over a year ago. Merely a year...(May 2003) I feel like freshman year was aeons and aeons ago :\ but it wasn't. Also in May 2003, the current sophomores in college graduated from high school...what, I feel like they've been gone for years as well, not merely a little over a year. =\ I was flipping through my photo albums and the differences between this time last year and now are... great... Time plays a very cruel joke on us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Fake 9/11 Silver Coins ...

This past week has been rather interesting... A brief outline of what has happened in Dani's life, for those of you that care (then again, if you didn't care, you wouldn't be here, right? :D)

Saturday - Dina and her family came over, and we hung out at my house--bonding time!--, and around 4pm or so Howard came down from Duke University to visit our wonderful city of ________ (cough cough) ... :D x 1000 I was pretty elated because I haven't seen him in over a year. After more hanging out at my house, Howard, Tiffany (my sister), and I crashed at Brian's house (who was home for the weekend as well). The boys and I watched part of the UGA vs. Tennesee game (UGA lost...).

For dinner, we ate out at Ruby Tuesday ... first time I've been to the Ruby Tuesday (and I've lived here for how long?), and of course I ate chicken >=) while Howard and I discussed about the wonderful thing known as our lives. What a roller coaster. After dinner, at the earnest pleading from my sister, we headed over to Wal-Mart :) Why, I'm not really sure. Howard and I ended up buying a 750 jigsaw puzzle, and its pieces still lay scattered on my bedroom floor. It is a really pretty puzzle called "Seaside Leap" with dolphins, a magnificent horizon, and of course, the wonderful creatures of the deep. I have about 30% completion, and at this rate, hopefully I'll finish this by Christmas... gracias, Howard.

Sunday - Chinese school... started a three day spree of eating pizza (darn you, Papa John's) ... tried to study like crazy but whatever. Ended up talking on the phone most of the time...

Monday - This is sad, I'm failing to remember what happened to me two days ago... I was a little peevish on Monday, don't know why "grrrr" -_- When I'm in a bad mood (which is often), it's not a pretty sight :D flute lessons... I have decided that I NEED TO PRACTICE... more than just 1 day a week -_- Howard came over and visited me while I was feverishly studying for tests... yay... :)

Tuesday - ... seriously, what happened yesterday? My memory is that bad.... I do remember doing yoga though...oh yes, and report cards :)

Wednesday - TODAY! ... Mrs. H basically told me, in a somewhat subtle way, that I had failed an AP practice... My God, I stink at AP Practices... also, I took the PSAT, and I think I missed some really silly questions... probably I rushed through them. Sigh. School sucks.

Okay, yeah, I'm not doing this again because this proves that my short-term memory is not so hot :) I barely remember what happened this morning. Isn't that sad? Well, just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive... and I will write a better entry later. :)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I'm currently reading Mine Eyes Have Seen by Ann Rinaldi (a really good historical fiction writer) ... and when I brought it to class the other day, my friend Jane said, "Oooh, new book, let me see..." and she and Ann Marie took a glance at the cover and simultaneously bursted out into the Battle Hymn of the Republic song... "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..." while of course everyone stared at them. IT WAS SO CUTE "like a musical!" hahaha... gosh, I love my friends.

Hmm, what else happened this week (it is, after all, Wednesday)... I got a 100 on an AP Chem test (yes!), the very one that I was on the verge of tears because I didn't understand how to do a lot of the problems the night before the test... got an 87 on a really easy Spanish test (what the heck... I bet that just killed my average), and totally failed an in-class essay today about the oh-so-wonderful, extraordinary, amazing Billy Budd ... no seriously, there is absolutely no sarcasm here, none at all.... -_-

For those that I usually visit (you know who you are), I will pay you a visit very soon, I'm so sorry for not givin' some loving to you wonderful people :( ... hopefully when this crazy week is over, I'll stop by your wonderful blogs.

I can't believe I've been through 9 weeks of hell (sorry, no other word to describe) already... only three more of these 9-weeks periods left... guess who's ready for Christmas, actually? ^.~ Fall's pretty, and there are some good perks about it (really nice weather, etc.) but it's also hard/long/boring schoolwise. Seeing some Christmas merchandise already on sale (!!!!!!!!! Halloween hasn't even passed yet), I'm already in the mood for some fireside warming, some lovin' (hahaha yeah right, not moi!), exchanging warm-hearted gifts, hitting the mountains (or if you're like my family, the beach in the winter XD...), and consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar-enhanced milk chocolate. Sigh... how blissful.

Monday, October 04, 2004

It's late...

I should be in bed...

The one day when I had little to no homework, I still stay up around 11pm.... ^_^ I think I've gotten so accustomed to sleeping at this (unhealthy) time that any other time would throw off my sleep schedule. Not good! No wonder I sleep until 1pm on weekends... :)

Quick post, sorry. Off to bed.
I spend my evenings studying, studying, and studying, and of course, last night I found myself sleeping at 12:30a.m.... cramming for an AP Chem. test. Of course, my fellow friends were online as well (why do people stay online so late? sigh... we all need like, 8 hours of sleep) See, if I didn't do all those practice problems this past weekend, I would have failed the test today like none other... this goes to show that Practice makes perfect.......but I wish I had more time to, say, practice my flute ^_^ At this rate, I'm never going to make All-State Band...

Well, off to do debate work. How exciting! See, our pitiful class is directly after one of the best classes to breeze through LHS... we pale in comparison to the brilliant people of the class of 2005 :P so there's some pressure on us (06!) to do just as well... but I'm not super geniuses like they are. :)

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Gosh, my emotional roller coaster ride (har! trig project...) has been hitting some bumps and some really steep hills... -_- Sigh, I think my hormonal levels must be imbalanced and I need some medication. Either that, or my emotions are trying to tell me that something's up. See, on my trig project, I was going to name my roller coaster ride "Only to Fall Again," but I changed it...

This morning, I woke up scared for my life...I woke up breathing heavily and gladly taking my surroundings in--yes, I'm still alive, and yes, I'm still in the comforts of my own room. I dreamt about my friend and me, and she and I, for some reason, devised a plot... and I remember seeing her with a revolver/gun and shooting and killing these people, people that were our friends (in band?), one by one, until she suddenly stopped at this one person, and she fled. I remember seeing the bodies crumple... I had a revolver too, so I think I dropped it and ran... where I ran and hid, I don't remember. I just remember feeling really scared for my life, and how eventually people would know it was my friend (let's call her Katie) who commited those heinous acts, and I was somehow tied in with her... I think I was trying to hide the evidence (the gun) and also praying that nobody would know that I knew about the plot, and that I actually had a gun in my possession... I was debating on whether I should tell someone of higher authority (teacher?) that I knew it was her and I was involved, too, although I didn't technically do was terrifying being in that position, and sadly, I have felt this way before. I'm sure everyone's been in that position, although perhaps not as drastic...

I went shopping this weekend. Dillard's was cleaning out its summer stuff... see, the best time to shop is when it's the transition of seasons because stores throw out their stuff at cheap prices... good for you, the shopper. :) I bought this really pretty pink, flowery dress for only $4 (regular price must have been $30 or so)... and some other articles of clothing for cheap prices. I'm content, I guess. Well, I'm not the type of person to be thrilled or ecstatic about buying clothes, unlike some people.

Yeah, to try to boost my mood, I exercised today for about 30 minutes... my mood was temporarily boosted, but now, I'm all depressed/tired/lazy/mmmmphhh again. :( How does one cheer oneself up? I don't think I'll be truly happy until Christmas (well, December)... in two months. I don't even really know why I'm so depressed/down all the time because there's really no good reason. This is weird because last year, fall 2003, my journal entries tell me that I was a happy-go-lucky sophomore... just having the time of my life despite my ups and downs. This year, I feel like I've been sapped of all emotion/energy... and all I am left to deal with is apathy and the ocassional bitter cynicism.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Highlights of my week:

-I got a new 2005 berry red Corolla... :D

-I think I've gained weight =\ ... well, maybe YOU can't tell, but I can.

-I got an 88 on a Hamilton Lit essay... still not entirely happy about it even though I have a 92 with AP Curve because it doesn't help my grade... I was hoping for a little higher but oh well -_- Gotta take what you get.

-I ate TONS of peanut butter this week... more than I have ever eaten in my entire life...dude, that stuff is good!

I will write more in depth later, ie: more elaboration, but it's Friday afternoon, and I'm tired of staring 24/7 at the computer because of studying or procrastination, or a little of both. Time to get some physical exercise and enjoy the beauty of nature (or the depths of my kitchen, if you're like me who works out in the kitchen) :)