Sunday, February 27, 2005

You know what? Life sucks.

Well, well. Where's the motivation? Come every Sunday, when all these tests, quizzes, assignments, and projects are around the corner, I never, ever feel like doing anything productive anymore.

That's my problem - everytime I embark on a journey (be it school, flute, learning a new language, whatever), I always become lackadaisical and lose my motivation about 2/3s of the way there, if I'm lucky. I'm a great starter-upper, but a lot of times, I don't finish. Now, I think, WOW, only one and half more year, but I'm already losing steam ... =\ and of course, there's a direct correlation of how much I study/work/practice to how well I turn out. Put in little to no work, and the results are... crap.

Okay, I need to shut up and get back to studying. ^_^

Oh, Adam - if you're Oriental (heck, Asian) ... if you even think of becoming an English professor, forget having your name on the will ... (aka disinherited) :) They just have this mentality that anything but business, law, enginnering, and med. = failure in the eyes of the Oriental society =D well, I sometimes disagree, but ... we'll see.

Friday, February 25, 2005

I visited GA Tech today. :)

Dani an engineer...if not business or a doctor, that's what I'll be. Good, but kind of sad that our choice of careers are limited to those three, if you're an Oriental.

I'll blog more later - just letting you guys know I'm still alive. :)

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very High
Level 2 (Lustful)Very Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

I need to read Dante. I remember one time, I had to buy a copy of it for Mike F... haha Mike, do you remember?

Lately, I've been contemplating a lot about people, relationships, what I want in life, what's important in life, religion, school, growing up, etc. I don't think I've come to a conclusion, and I probably don't expect to have some until I grow older. I mean, I'm only 17, and I'm still "learning" (theoretically) everyday with life's lessons. You know, the times when Life itself smacks in you in the face and leaves you smarting in the face for days :\ I don't really know what it takes for me to be happy. I hope I don't turn out to be some selfish b***** in my growing experience, and I definitely hope I don't turn out to be an Edna Pontellier. Maybe I need to stop dwelling in the past. Some of these doors were left open, and I just can't seem to close them. No matter how hard I try, I often find myself gravitating toward what could have been and not focusing on what is. Dangerous to be living in the past.

Peanut butter is good.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

All right, it's about 9:20 pm Saturday night, and what is Dani doing?

Obviously not partying because she's online...writing a blog entry. Great, I need a life, right? :)

These past couple of days have been busy with band. Thursday night - Saturday afternoon, my hours were dedicated to flute. District honor band took place, and stroke of luck (or two), I ended up second chair (again) ... next to Sara N. (which was expected) Anyway, I say it was luck because I was originally 4th, but due to people not being in the band for certain reasons, I got moved up :D (happy) We had UGA's band director as our conductor, whoohoo... what a crazy man.

We played three pieces:

  1. Noisy Wheels of Joy by Eric Whitacre (I HATE most contemporary music ... :O they make no sense!!)
  2. La Procession Du Rocio (a looong two movement piece) by Joaquin Turina
  3. Foshay Tower Washington Memorial March by John Phillip Sousa (I played this at Janfest last year!!)

With the exception of the first piece (who would have thought I could despise a piece so much? IT was so dumb, elementary, and just plain annoying), I liked our music, and I even got to play piccolo on the second piece :D :D :D yay, although I suck at tuning that thing ... so yea, it was an eventful three days, and to make a long story short. I saw all of my old middle school friends (tear tear tear ... I wonder how life would have turned out if I actually went to the same high school as them. That wondering is still there, lurking in the back of my mind, somehow.) and some old adult friends/teachers (my middle school teacher who still remembers his first awesome 8th grade flute section at RMS ;D ahh, don't you miss 8th grade) ... :D


Oh, I might be on my way to be a model... IF this whole thing isn't a scam (I need to do my research on this). The other day, my mom took my sister and I to this casting call with an evaluation... well, it was free, and hey, I had some time on Tuesday night. I stood in front of a camera for about 30 seconds and said my name, my age, and what I wanted to do after high school. I didn't think this would happen because my sister is a lot more of the model-type than I am, but I heard back from them today via letter, and they want my parents to come back for me next next Sunday ... wow, was I amazed (actually, I was amazed that they didn't ask for my sister - now if you don't know my sister, she's the beauty of the family). I don't know how big the chances of me going to Hollywood (or whatever ... I'm guessing the small things like those commercials on TV) are, but if I did ... I, Dani, the super nerd, model for something (even a 30 second commercial) - now who would have thought. But, this could be a scam (you know how America is), and I think I'd want to finish my education...

Valentine's Day is on Monday. <3

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hey guys and gals,

I'm stressed out at the moment ... just when I thought I could relax, noooo, more work is dumped onto my shoulders, and I can't carry it much longer. I hope I don't die early due to some stress-related disease/cancer.

Thanks for your notes, guys ... LOL, my birthday is December 13 (hence the "wait awhile"), but I appreciate the notes. :) Come back to me in 10 months.

Being in love is a totally new experience worth checking out... but I just wish that I had more time for love.

Happy Chinese New Year (tomorrow) !! Year of the Rooster!! Jing ji bao shi! Wear red.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Whoohoo, Valentine's Day on the Fourteenth. I know this is cliché, but ... how time flies. It's already the second month of the year 2005, and what have I accomplished this January? Not a lot. Oh well. There are 11 months to go ...

Eyeopener: I will ... be ... 18 ... this year ... :O :O :O (but not for a good while). When the time is near, I'll be sure to remind you guys. ;) It's so weird because I'm still thinking that I'm 15, and all of my friends are 16-18 (or so) , but now, I have painfully realized that they're hittin' the early twenties already. :\ Sooner or later, I'll be 20 myself. That year has always seem oceans away, but now, I'm already seeing the shoreline inching up (if that makes sense).

Anyway. Back to Valentine's Day. For the most part, I was apathetic about the special loving holiday, but surprisingly, this year, I actually have a reason to care about this rose-and-chocolate-celebrating holiday.

I'm cold. It's about 40 degrees outside ... and considering how ghetto my house is, it's about 40 degrees in this house, too. XD