Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Sunday :) Unfortunately, it's stormy over here. I've been picking up my Scriptures readings lately. There's so much that I don't know...

!!!! I still can't figure out how to install wordpress.

Am I supposed to upload the files in a specific manner? ASCII, binary, etc. I'm using WS FTP. I've uploaded all the files, and it keeps on telling me that my info for wp-config.php is wrong, yet I typed in everything Kathie gave me... any suggestions?

I will... make a new layout this Friday (hopefully! Someone needs to kick me) since spring break starts next week and I won't have time to be at the computer because I'm working (that's right, I live in the golf capital of the world) ... :)

Much love to everyone, but especially a special someone. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The weather is fantabulous.

And I think I just coined my own term. *grins* Oh wait, just kidding, it's an actual word :) LOL ... anyway, darn. Yeah, spring has officially arrived, methinks, and the sun is out! I hope to see green and sky blue everywhere now. I am blessed that I do not suffer from allergies, so I can romp around in the grass :) But ... seriously, if there's a nice day out, do try to enjoy the brightness and sunshine!

I love my friends. Omg. I have been so neglectful of everyone lately. I am the worst friend in the world ... living in my own world, entrenched in my books (is that the right word? or am I guilty of a malapropism again?) ... I caught up with a couple of people, and I realized how long we haven't exchanged words ... bad, bad, bad, Dani. I even wrote an essay about this awhile ago (keeping friendships/relationships alive) ... d'oh. I need to practice what I preach.

I'm going to take a nap. Falling asleep while practicing flute is not cool. Au revoir.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Okay, well, I got one of the four things done on my "Things to Do" and that's a new cam pic. It's not even a good one (the beginnings of my research paper for AP Lit), but it will do. Hey, it's an update (a much needed one) ... and I really need to get my hands on Photoshop soon. Layout ideas... coming up with a new layout idea is always the hardest part for me, and the design comes second :P kind of ironic, though. Well, both procedures take a long time for me (I'm slow). :D

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY (tomorrow) since I'm not going to be blogging tomorrow, obviously :D Recuerda llevar las prendas verdes (Spanish students, take note at my horrendous grammar?) ... ^_^

I want to be fluent in the "Latin" languages before I die. French, Spanish, Italian, etc. etc. Well, okay that's probably not possible in all 92837489 of them, but perhaps, at least one ... but if I want to be fluent, I really need to be serious in my studies, yes? Aren't polyglots cool? I respect them a lot. It takes a lot of time and dedication in order to get a language down ;P If you want to try a new language, try Mandarin Chinese... -_- It's a never-ending journey.

Listening to: DMB's "Grey Street"
Feeling: Apathetic, but leaning towards grumpy...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I cried during Beauty and the Beast.

Yes, instead of hanging out with friends on a Saturday night, I settled myself in my living room and watched the timeless Disney classic. It's been 10 years since my last viewing of the movie, and well... yeah. It's still a good, good movie. I cried (had tears) when the Beast said he had to let Belle go because he loved her and at the end when he "dies" and Belle starts to cry... wow, I didn't think I still got this emotional at Disney movies, but nothing's changed. ^_^' Gah, I'm such a social loser.

1) I need a new layout
2) I need to convert to wordpress XD
3) I need a new cam picture
4) I need to study...

Much love.