Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Happy belated birthday to my hostess, Kathie!! :) I love you!

Yes, new layout. I've gotten better about this... it's been less than 2 months! ;) I was listening to Spanish rock/pop and found a cool lyric "My heart never left" ... I don't think it was talking about summer :p (a girl, I believe), but it sounds like a summer-y theme, right? I'm not turning into one of those *sPrIng BreAk 2005* girls, am I? :P Yikes, no.

My depression has lifted a little bit... I turned to learning French once again (how dorky am I?!) :) I wanted to learn Italian, but maybe I should master Spanish first... teehee. For now, I'll just be content with their music.

I got SAT scores back... I took it May (it's almost over!!), and well, I thought I did really badly on it because I didn't wait long enough since March. Well, I raised my overall score 70 points (woot), but I would like to break a 2200 =\ ... but I'm stupid when it comes to these things, so maybe not. I'm almost graduating, too. Yikes!! How time flies, as cliché as that might sound.

I went to physical therapy today, but I didn't need it since I'm still healing. Oh well. At least I got to talk to this Russian/Polish guy. Man, I love accents :D

Monday, May 30, 2005

Happy Memorial Day! May God bless our troops!!

Am I too dependent on exercise and/or moving around? A whole week since my sprained ankle incident, and my ankle is still not 100% healed. I have to go to physical therapy tomorrow.

Lately, I've been suffering moderate to extreme depression because I feel so suffocated at home. One day, I wanted to cry so much... but then again, it was like, 12:00 am or so. I just feel really trapped. I can't believe I waited 180 days (of school) to get out only to be confined to another prison: my house. The worse thing is that it's more that 8 hours a day, unlike school. That, and the fact that I don't move around as much, so where else does my food go? That's right, it gets turned into fat, and I am once again this blob. I just feel like this giant pillow with arms, legs, and a head. =(

People say I complain about my figure too much, and perhaps I do. But until I feel comfortable enough to walk to the pool with a swimsuit on (I have NEVER felt comfortable going to the pool), I don't think I will ever be happy... such is the fate of the perfectionist in everything s/he does =(

Sigh. Sorry, yeah, I do sound depressed. Once I get this brace off, I'll move around again and I will be a happy child once more. :) Don't injure yourself, my lovelies :) take care, be safe, be happy!

Oh, NADINE, where are you??? :P

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Hey, update on my life: I tore a ligament in my ankle on Monday. That's right, first couple days of summer and I've already got myself injured. >:o Monday was THE MOST PAINFUL DAY OF MY LIFE (I shed so many tears, my face was so red), and Tuesday resulted in a trip to the doctor, a soft cast, and crutches to boot. Right. Good news is that it comes off Friday, and I get a brace. Thank God it wasn't anything more serious...like, breaking all the tarsals/metatarsals in my foot.

I played Yahoo!Graffiti with some friends last night. Being "the last one to leave" stinks. Most of my better, longtime friends have been in college for awhile, now... and I'm still here, with another year left. I guess I shouldn't wish it away. It won't do me any good :-)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Today was graduation. CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS, CLASS OF 2005! No, I'm not graduating yet, but it was a poignant moment when I saw all of my friends being called. I'll be there, next year... bawling my head off :) I finally finished junior year, but I still have another year looming before me. Hooray. -_-

I don't know what colleges that I should apply to. I'll probably be doing pre-med and/or engineering... something along the likes of these. I'll be staying in the United States, so no Oxford, England or anything :D Suggestions? XD

Okay, blogthings sure are addicting. I don't know why. The cute little sites like these "tell" you things about yourself, and well, sometimes, they come shockingly close to the truth XD but othertimes, they're way off.

Your Dominant Thinking Style:


You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.
You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.

An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.
You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum.

Your Secondary Thinking Style:


You're all about looking at the facts, and you could always use more of them.
You see life as your lab - and you're always trying out new things, people, and ideas.

The master of mix and match, you're always coming up with unique combinations.
You are good at getting a group to reach consensus.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

All right, I'm off to learn German.

My friend noticed that I had this cute little French phrasebook, and she bought me this cute little German phrasebook XD isn't that funny? Right now, I'm trying to perfect my Chinese/Spanish (it's so odd - on channels like CCTV international, they have Chinese people speaking almost fluent Spanish! No accent! So... I listen to them :D), trying to pick up some French (Je vais bien), and I guess I will throw German on the backburner, although their pronounciation is kind of... different, yes? Hmm, I know "guten tag" and Hello (Ha-lo) :D

Well, I think languages are fun. Hey, I listen to Italian music... *shrugs*

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mood: relieved.

Last week was rough. So many tests in a row, one after the other. Well, I managed to get out of it unscathed (except for the dark circles around my eyes, yeah). We took a practice AP exam in Chemistry that counted as a test grade. I thought I was going to get a 3 or so due to my performance on the multiple choice - my goodness, that was the hardest selection of multiple choice questions I have ever seen -_- I answered 40 right but 28 wrong (28, geez... in a real class, that would be, what, failing?) Free response was all right, but my teacher told me I got 0 points for one of them, -.- But in the end, I think my other free response questions worked out so I managed to get a "5" (the highest) overall... but barely. The AP Chemistry exam is next Tuesday, so I will do a little more studying (because I haven't really been studying lately... reading the Barron's book 20 minutes before Chemistry period, all right!), and hopefully I'll get a 5 on the real thing *prays*

SAT on Saturday -_-

Test after test after test after test.

Oh yeah, I got a "cute" haircut. It's a little longer than my shoulders now (as opposed to, say, my elbows) - long hair is pretty, but it's so hard to manage and keep out of the way (yes, I know, tie it up, but I'm not too fond of doing that very often :D)

Hmm, you can click here to see me in my prom dress. It's a fuzzy picture, but it will do.