Monday, June 07, 2004

This is so strange... I'm calling the DMVS right now to schedule an appointment for my driver's license ^_^ They put you on hold for 972349 minutes with MUSIC on the line. Cute, I want that for my phoneline. Anyway, I'm still holding... holding... ack. I hope I prove worthy enough for a license -_- Wish me luck. :D

I'll make a new layout soon. Any ideas? :) I wanted summer, but that's what everyone seems to do, nowadays... Hm. I had an idea in mind, but my ideas usually take a turn (for better or worse?) so we'll see.

Wow, I've been obsessed with FIRE EMBLEM for the longest time now. Ahaha, thanks, Brian. We're such addicts/dorks! Whenever I have a moment, I whip out my GBA SP and play. I love this light feature - you can play in the dark/dim areas, all right. :D Anyway, in this game, you are a tactician in the arts of war. You guide all these people into action... it's like a giant chess game! Um, somewhat. :D (I've never played Chess, so I wouldn't know) ... the storyline is conveyed rather beautifully, and even though it can be long, there's never a dull moment. Two things that adds a little twist to the game: if units die, they never come back, AND weapons are not unlimited in this game, meaning you DO have to replace them when they "break" =/ all about realism, eh?

I'm reading The Sound and the Fury right now, by William Faulkner... *groans* it's for APLIT summer reading. ;( I have to keep a journal for it. Anyway, the first chapter is narrated by this severely retarded man who has no sense of time, so it's really hard to follow along. "Read it with great patience." Yeah, my patience was wearing thin earlier... gah. I have other books to read, but those shouldn't be too bad... The Scarlet Letter (read it already ^^), The Crucible (same... I didn't get it), The Sun Also Rises... shouldn't be too bad, right? :)

The day before, I watched "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" w/Omar and Tiffany at our house. It was a cute, typical chick flick romantic comedies... it was enjoyable. ;D They were both using each other for their causes... ack! They made a cute couple, though. Blondies. :D I like Matthew McConaughey (sp?) =) Also, Kate Hudson looked so pretty in the movie. Gah. ^_^ KRULL, THE WARRIOR KING!

I'm still holding... it's been 10 minutes...ack, my neck.

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