Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Senior year is no fun... whoever said it was fun was probably referring to second semester. I always find myself sleeping at 12am at the earliest... this is bad. Am I procrastinating too much? Maybe I should step back and observe what in the world I end up doing after school, after band practice. Almost every day, two hours is lost due to power napping.... and then like, 1-1.5 for eating, showering, brushing teeth, etc. I wish I didn't come home at 5pm almost everyday.


Anonymous said...

wow, u sound awfully busy. coming home at 5 pm is not too cool cuz then u spend the rest of the day studying, eating then all of a sudden it's time to sleep. hope things get better for u!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry didn't respond to your IMs. Honestly, I don't remember having been IMed... maybe I was away without an away message and then AIM crashed or something.

Anyhow. Senior year is the year to RELAX. Seroiusly. Go to bed earlier. It's bad for your skin to stay up late ;).

Anonymous said...

^--- was Howard.