Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Well, it's late.

I took a nap, and I woke up at 10pm. I feel a little refreshed. Oh, did I tell you I have this strange twitching under my right eye? I guess it started happening recently. Maybe all this stress/fatigue IS taking a toll on my health. I looked at (a great site...) and it said it was probably linked to stress and/or fatigue, which I have been suffering through for the past... um, year. (not that bad, more like I inflict it upon myself... +_+) Stress sucks.

I'm wearing my glasses right now. w00t. Contacts are great, but it can hinder ya. Swimming (open eyes, AH?!), sleeping (unless you have those wear-all-day-and-night ones), long hours (drying up! unless you have those no-dry-up ones) ... Ah well, it's all a matter of preference. Plus, I like smart guys, and some guys look very nice in glasses. :D I [heart] Nerds... well. Not the pimplefaced :B "durrr" ones.

Chocolate soymilk is good... I had some today. Mmm. Bi-Lo brand (hey, most of the times storebrand is > national brand) ... Well, if I ever decide to turn away from milk (no! never!) I'll have soymilk to turn to... :D

Shape magazine is great. I love their health articles and especially their workout pages. I'm a workout addict, so you can imagine it being a treasure hoard for me. :D Trying to get in shape (toning), especially for prom... I guess it's working. You can be the judge of that (or not...^_^) I don't like looking bulky. I have curves, and I'm not overweight, but sometimes I look in the mirror and think, "Wow... I'm stumpy." I want to change that. :D

Okay, yeah, sorry this post is really random. And for those whom I usually visit every now and then, I apologize for not coming lately. :( I wish I had time to read everyone's blog everyday, that would be great. I've been sailing (somewhat) rough waters lately. Hopefully, I have things ironed out now. These last couple of months have been over my head. *whoosh* ^_^

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