Thursday, May 20, 2004

Pray for Ms. Chase -- I've heard she got into a car accident yesterday, and I don't know what her whereabouts are ... :( I hope she is all right. She apparently never made it to school, and she didn't show today...

I have one more exam left tomorrow --Spanish I-- and after that, I'm through with sophomore year. A little unsettling... soon, we'll be chartering new "seas" as we start off the last half of our high school career with junior year.

Oh boy, maybe I've been playing SKIES OF ARCADIA for way too long. I've been addicted to the game (the Gamecube version) lately because I love RPGs and once I start, I never stop... :) I am amazed at the storyline--it's pretty good--the characters are well-rounded and funny, choices are to be made, the graphics are notable (in my humble opinion), the music's not bad, and there are funny sound bites. For me, that's video game bliss :] One fault I do find of it: the frequent "minor" battles (ugh...they get repetitive and they can take awhile) but other than that, I'm hooked. ^_^

Side note: Why are most "anime" guys drawn so beautifully? I've met few guys in the real world that look like that... so feminine yet so hot :)

Maybe I do need to cut back on carbs. You guys might think I'm crazy, but I'm still not totally happy with myself (maybe it's a girl thing) ... No, I wouldn't resort to the Atkins -- it's torture!! I heart bread -- but I seriously need to limit my carbs because it seems like that's all I eat. I never have food in the house (fruits, meat?) so I usually resort to bread or tv dinners or pasta, the like... not good! :( Carbs aren't BAD, they just have more calories, and more/excess calores = fat ... the last thing I need...

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