Saturday, May 06, 2006

Not all that glitters is gold.

This year's yearbook is gorgeous. I'm so relieved that the yearbook turned out really well my senior year. None of that, "All right so the silver on the front rubbed off, I'm sorry" on the cover. It looks professional because it's black and sleek, and it has a neat theme: "Be." The first couple of pages are glossy - "as if the photos were about to jump out at you!" Bravo. Well, of course, the text will always be too small, but if you want lots of pictures, so be it. That is a yearbook: a pictoral way to show memories!

I was signing my friends' yearbooks yesterday. I did end up writing 4/5 - 1 page for a lot of them. One of my friends that I wanted to write a good bit for didn't have a yearbook! The way I see it, a yearbook signing can be be a time where you admit deep dark secrets - embedded in the back pages of Olive Garden and some dentists that nobody cares to see. For some people, I did wish to write certain things I could not say. Why am I treating these as deep, dark confessions...

I think I am a girl of secrets because although yes, I can be extremely loud and hyper (as my friends and family have witnessed), I still have this quality of silence to me. I think I inherited both of these qualities from my parents. My dad is silent and strong - you know those bad boy images? My aunt compared Jay Chou (dark, mysterious, not bad looking "bad boy" Taiwanese singer) to my dad! He really doesn't waste his breath on idle words and is often very quiet. My mom is the cute, giddy, TALKATIVE Asian mom everyone pictures. What a contrast! I wonder how they ended up liking each other.

I need to post more entries because I do have a lot to say. I just forget to write it down or am too lazy. :)


Anonymous said...

haha, i loved yearbooks in hs. esp for senior year. there's just that specialness to it when we're all signing each other's.

maybe it's opposites attract for your parents?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your senior yearbooks turned out well! my yearbooks sucked since I was a junior so I don't spend too much dawdling on them :D