Monday, May 30, 2005

Happy Memorial Day! May God bless our troops!!

Am I too dependent on exercise and/or moving around? A whole week since my sprained ankle incident, and my ankle is still not 100% healed. I have to go to physical therapy tomorrow.

Lately, I've been suffering moderate to extreme depression because I feel so suffocated at home. One day, I wanted to cry so much... but then again, it was like, 12:00 am or so. I just feel really trapped. I can't believe I waited 180 days (of school) to get out only to be confined to another prison: my house. The worse thing is that it's more that 8 hours a day, unlike school. That, and the fact that I don't move around as much, so where else does my food go? That's right, it gets turned into fat, and I am once again this blob. I just feel like this giant pillow with arms, legs, and a head. =(

People say I complain about my figure too much, and perhaps I do. But until I feel comfortable enough to walk to the pool with a swimsuit on (I have NEVER felt comfortable going to the pool), I don't think I will ever be happy... such is the fate of the perfectionist in everything s/he does =(

Sigh. Sorry, yeah, I do sound depressed. Once I get this brace off, I'll move around again and I will be a happy child once more. :) Don't injure yourself, my lovelies :) take care, be safe, be happy!

Oh, NADINE, where are you??? :P

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