Saturday, August 06, 2005

Thursday, I had band practice from 3:00-5:00p.m.

We were all about to pass out. It was humid. It was hot. We only had one water break. Every time we had to go get our instruments on the ground, they would yell that it wasn't water break when a few of the dehydrated ones (like me) would trudge to the giant cooler. "It's not water break, you know."

All I have to say is: WHAT. THE. HECK.

I saw one poor freshman who was on the verge of passing out. I could have added myself to the ranks, too, when I was on the stairs coming down to go back to the band room (we practiced on this field that requires steps to reach). Everything blacked out for a second, which was not exactly great news because I was on the verge of stepping down the step.

You know what makes me mad? About 70% of the time we spend out there in practice, we get nothing accomplished. In this mass confusion, I just stand there, conversing with my fellow bored flutists around me, while I wonder why I am not home sleeping after a long day or doing much needed studying.

I know, it's only the first couple days of school. But I've seen better first practices. I wish our leaders were better. I wish we cared more. I don't, but I wish I did.

On another cynical note (copied and pasted and modified from my Xanga):

I'm wondering if I should drop Spanish 3 (not AP) and take some random AP class. Why? This new 6.0 GPA system at my school, where if you have AP classes, those classes goes up to the 6.0 (for a 100), depending on what grade you get. This is very unfair because that can mean that I worked my butt off three years of high school (while being consistently 2nd or 3rd in the class), but then someone can beat me in rank by .02 of a point GPA wise our senior year just because they took one extra AP than me... like ... AP Psychology, which every knows is an "easy" class. Even if the teacher has upped her standards a little, I really doubt that the class has as much weight as, say, AP Biology or Physics C, for that matter. I didn't really realize the significance of this new 6.0 scale (all other non-AP classes are 4.0-5.0 for A's) until I saw what all of my other classmates are taking - 5 to 6 APs ... which can probably boost their GPAs by a mere .05 points, but hey that's .05 points more than me, which is detrimental to class rank. Why are they using this new system when the AP grades already has a 1.05 curve to begin with? By the time I'm done with high school, I will have taken 6 APs total (which is not bad, right?), but there are people that will have taken 9 or 10... but some of them are like, weird classes (like Psych? Env Science? Most of my friends laughed those APs off...). =\ I worked my butt off too much just so I can lose everything I earned for three years in my senior year.

To continue my ramblings: Necesito practicar mi flauta. AHORA. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, you sound totally stressed out with your APs. well, the thing is once you reach college, all of this won't really matter in the long run like your highschool GPA SAT scores, etc. of course, you want to do the best you can now but you don't be so hard on yourself. enjoy your senior year while you can cuz really after highschool, it's a whole different ball game. but you do want to carry your hardworking attitude to college yet you'll realize you do need a balance between your academic life and your social one as well. heh, this is prolly a long comment but just speaking for my own experiences. hopefully, it helps. ^____^